

Arrowmen: $25.00

Silver Nest Members: $0.00

Silver Nest Membership: $175.00 for an adult; $100.00 for 1st youth and $75.00 for each additional youth.

Purpose of Annual Dues:

Your dues enable our lodge to deliver our Mission and Purpose more effectively across our council and at council camps. The $20.00 goes towards our publications and mailings, national recharter and helps with Lodge programs.

Benefits to paying dues:


Dues may be paid at Fall Fellowship, the Annual Banquet or the Council Service Center or online using PayPal  please follow this link to the Online Dues Page to use PayPal   

Make checks payable to "BSA".

New Member information can be found on the OA National JumpStart page.

Jump Start

Congratulations on becoming a new member of the Order of the Arrow! On the JumpStart site, you'll find information and explanations to help you learn more about the OA. You will need your OA Handbook to enter the site, so be sure to have it handy.

Click on the graphic or title to go to the JumpStart site.

Mail yearly dues to:

Boy Scouts of America

Mecklenburg County Council

1410 E. 7th Street

Charlotte, NC 28204

For Silver Nest Information please contact:

Page Revised: 1/3/2025