Lodge Awards

 Crenshaw Family Arrowman of the Year

Arrowman of the Year

The O. A. (Olvin Alexander) Crenshaw and Family Arrowman of the Year Award is given to one adult and one or more youth per year for outstanding service to the Lodge.  All members of the Lodge may make nominations for the Arrowman of the Year Award.  The youth recipients are voted on by adults and the adult recipient is voted on by youth.  It is voted on at the October Executive Committee Meeting.  These Awards are presented at the Lodge's annual banquet in December.

The Centurian

Introduced for the centennial year of the Order of the Arrow, the Centurion Award was a one-time only award created to recognize arrowmen who meaningfully contributed to the forming, maturing, or ongoing operation of their lodge. Recipients were designated as either a youth or adult contributor, with a minimum service period of three years for youth contributors and six years for adult contributors. Posthumous awards were permitted.

For nearly 100 years, the Order of the Arrow has purposely recognized Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Law and Law in their daily lives. The Centurion Award recognizes Arrowmen who have meaningfully contributed to the forming, maturing and ongoing operational excellence of their local council's lodge, and who, in doing so, inspired others to follow in their footsteps.

Lodges selected over 1,800 Arrowmen for the award. Recipients received a certificate and a metallic centennial totem suspended from a red and white neck-ribbon.



This section is for awards that the Ceremonial Team has earned over the years at during Section Conclaves.


Distinguished Service Award

The Distinguished Service Award is presented to those Arrowmen who have rendered outstanding service to the Order on a sectional, area, regional, or national basis. It is given primarily for dedicated service to the Order and Scouting over a period of time. Only a limited number of awards are presented each year, and Arrowmen whose service records are the most outstanding and extend the farthest beyond the local lodge level are selected.

Distinguished Service Award Nomination Form



Introduced at the 1981 National Order of the Arrow Conference, the Founder's Award was created to honor and recognize those Arrowmen who have given outstanding service to the lodge.  The award is reserved for an Arrowmen who demonstrates to fellow Arrowmen that he or she memorializes in his or her everyday life the spirit of achievement as described by founder E. Urner Goodman and cofounder Carroll A. Edson.  The Award is a handsome bronze medallion bearing the likenesses of E. Urner Goodman and cofounder Carroll A. Edson, with wooden base and brass plate suitable for engraving.  Also available is a special Founder's Award arrow ribbon, with a gold colored arrow suspended from a red ribbon.  Lodges may petition the National Order of the Arrow Committee to present up to four awards annually, based on lodge membership. If the lodge presents more than one award, one must be to a youth under the age of 21.

*Larry Banks is the first Arrowman to earn this award as both a youth and adult in the Order of the Arrow.


Golden Arrow

Each Spring since 1954, Catawba Lodge has participated in the Annual Dixie Fellowship. This is a fellowship meeting where all lodges of our area come together for fun, fellowship, and a learning experience.

In 1954, the area lodges attending the annual Dixie Fellowships first established the Golden Arrow Award. This annual award is presented to the lodge who scores the most points in the Quest Events during Dixie.  These events tested the strength, skill, and endurance of each lodge delegate who participated. Canoe Racing, Egg Toss, Softball Throwing, and many similar events made up the Quest Challenge.

In order for a lodge to retire a Golden Arrow, the same lodge had to win the Quest Event for 3 consecutive years. From 1954 to 1982, only 4 Golden Arrows were ever made and later retired.  Catawba Lodge is the only lodge to ever retire a Golden Arrow and as you can see, we have retired all four of them.

In 1983, Catawba Lodge was moved to a different OA area thus ending their participation in the Dixie Fellowships. However, in 1998, Catawba Lodge moved back into their previous area and are competing once again for the Golden Arrow.

These retired arrows demonstrate how we have worked together in the past, and give us an example to follow in future Dixie Fellowship quest events. Each Golden Arrow that Catawba Lodge retired is listed below along with the years that the lodge won the Golden Arrow. You can click on the images if you wish to see the information on the plaque. The list of current Golden Arrow winning years will go below these that have been retired.  Written in 1983.

Golden Arrow

Goodman Society Endowment


The Goodman Society was created in 1990 to honor and perpetuate the memory of the Founder of the Order of the Arrow, Dr. E. Urner Goodman. He was a visionary Scouting professional, under whose leadership the Cub Scout, Exploring and Air Scout programs were founded, the Schiff and Philmont training centers were opened, and Wood Badge program was introduced to the U.S. to name but a few of his accomplishments.

E. Urner Goodman’s service and devotion to youth and Boy Scouts of America cannot be understated. He had a lifelong enthusiasm for the aims of Scouting, an appreciation for the possibilities of youth-lead and adult supported program, and an understanding of a life enriched through leadership in service.

This is the legacy of the Order of the Arrow he entrusted to future generations of Arrowmen.

The Goodman Society will sustain those ideals and programs which E. Urner Goodman knew to be vital to the success and growth of the Boy Scouts of American and the Order of the Arrow. The Society will also ensure that the OA has adequate financial resources to meet its program, service, and leadership development objectives.


Membership in the Goodman Society is available to all Arrowmen, former or current, who desire to be a part of a national fellowship to perpetuate the ideals and mission of the Order of the Arrow.

Membership is extended to those who make a one-time unrestricted gift of $10,000.00 or more or include the national OA endowment in their estate planning with a gift of at least $10,000.00

After having included your local council in your estate planning, consider becoming a member of the Goodman Society. Planned gifts to the Goodman Society can be through any of the following:

• Charitable bequests in a will or codicil.

• Charitable trusts, such as unitrusts, annuity trusts, and lead trusts. • Life insurance / retirement plan designations.



James E West

The award is named after the first Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America who exemplified Ralph Walso Emerson's observation that "an institution is the lengthened shadow of one man."  Scouting today is the "lengthened shadow" of more than three decades of the farseeing and dedicated leadership of Dr. James E. West.

Those who are recognized by the James E. West Fellowship Award will cast their own "lengthened shadow" as they help ensure the Scouting legacy for future generations of young people and create the financial stability of the program in the twenty-first century for their local council.

A gift to a local council, designated by the donor to the council endowment fund, qualifies for membership as a James E. West fellow.  The gift must be in addition to— and not replace or diminish—the donor’s annual Friends of Scouting support.  A minimum gift of $1000 in cash or marketable securities qualifies for the Bronze level membership. Donors may make cumulative gifts to reach Silver, Gold, and Diamond member levels.  For example, 5 years of giving at the Bronze level would qualify for Silver level membership.  Many individuals and corporations make these gifts either on behalf of someone else—such as in honor of an Eagle Scout, Silver Beaver recipient, a retirement, a special accomplishment, or anniversary—or in memory of a special individual. 

James E West



Order of the Arrow Legacy Fellowship

The Legacy Fellowship is the first opportunity for Order of the Arrow members to make a direct contribution to the national OA endowment, furthering their support of Scouting. The national OA endowment provides direct funding of Lodge Service Grants, Josh R. Sain Memorial Scholarships, OA high adventure, major conservation projects like Arrowcorps5 and SummitCorps, and continuing support of youth leaders.


Membership in the Legacy Fellowship is open to any currently registered youth or adult Scouter who has been recognized as a James E. West Fellow. All contributions to the national OA endowment should be in addition to your regular support of your council’s fundraising programs.

Legacy Fellowship


This page is to honor all awards that Catawba Lodge and its arrowmen have earned over the years at Section Conclaves.  If there is any information missing on this page, please email the webmaster.


Service To The Nest - Witahemui Ohshixay

The Witahemui Ohshixay Award (Service to the Nest Award) will be awarded to arrowmen in Catawba Lodge for exemplary levels of long term service to the Lodge and the Order of the Arrow.  Any arrowman that meets the requirements will be awarded the award.  Each recipient will be recognized at the Annual Banquet.

Adult Requirements:

Youth Requirements:

Page Revised: 10/9/2024
