LEB Meetings

The Lodge Executive Board (LEB) is a key part of the leadership in the Lodge. It is the "legislature" of the Lodge. The Lodge Chief presides over the body's meetings, acting as parliamentarian.  The Cheif prepares agendas and gets them to members several days ahead of time. The Executive Board consists of all elected Lodge officers, Chapter Chiefs, and standing committee chairmen.  All youth members of the Lodge are wanted to attend these meetings and are challenged to get more involved.  Adults also attend these meetings as advisers, but cannot vote, and cannot speak unless acknowledged.

The Lodge Executive Board generally meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm. These meetings are held at the Council Service Center on East 7th Street unless noted otherwise on the Lodge Calendar.

Below you will find a list of the past agendas and minutes from recent meetings. Other past copies are retained but not posted. If you need access to prior LEB Agendas and Minutes documents please contact webmaster@catawba459.org or al@nedrich.com.

Minutes should be available online within 10 days of the NEXT board meeting. We wait till the next meeting so the LEB can approve them.

LEB Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Page Revised: 10/25/2024