Catawba Lodge uses the chapter system to organize our members. Our chapters runs along the same lines as the Council's districts. The individual chapter information (events and officers) is located in their chapter webpages. These Chapter webpages are maintained by the youth of each chapter. If there are problems within their pages please contact the site webmaster listed on each Chapter Website. If something is inappropriate please let them and us know so that we can rectify the problem in a quick manor.
Chapter Definition
Chapters of Catawba Lodge will be same as with the boundaries of the Mecklenburg County Council's districts. A Chapter is an organization of the OA members within a district. They will serve the Lodge in the following manner:
1. Cooperate with District Camping Committee to promote:
Summer Camp
Weekend Camping
High Adventure
Camping Skills
2. Hold unit elections for the troops in their district
3. Promote participation in Lodge functions
Chapter Executive Committee
Chapter Executive Committee is the steering committee of the chapter. It is made up of the elected officers of the chapter, Chapter Chief, Chapter Vice Chief, Chapter Secretary, past Chapter Chief, Chapter Adviser and may include the District Committee Chairman, District Camping Chairman and District Executive. The Chapter Chief is the Chairman of the Executive Committee. He prepares an agenda for the meeting in advance and presides over the meeting. The youth members listed above are the voting members of the Chapter Executive Committee. The Executive Committee meets on a regular basis and any interested Arrowman may attend as an observer.
Chapter Chief
Is the principle officer of the chapter
Is responsible for the total chapter program
Supervises the work of all officers and committees of the Chapter
Presides at all chapter meetings
Serves as the Chairman of the Chapter Executive Committee
Prepares the agenda for the Executive Committee meeting
Appoints all committee chairmen with the approval of the chapter Adviser
Appoints all ad hoc (temporary) committees
May call special meetings of the chapter or Executive Committee with the approval of the Chapter Adviser
Assumes all duties assigned to him by the Lodge
Appoints Chapter officers to fill vacancies left by resignations, etc
Chapter Vice Chief
Is responsible for the execution of the duties assigned to the Unit Elections and Brotherhood Committees
Serves as the Chairman of the Chapter Unit Elections Committee
Is responsible for training the Chapter Election Team
Presents a written report of activities of the committees under his charge at each Chapter Executive Committee meeting
Works in cooperation with the Lodge Vice Chief of Inductions
Works with Elangomat Committee in training Elangomats
Assumes all duties assigned to. him by the Chapter Chief
Chapter Vice-Chief of Administration
Is responsible for the execution of the duties assigned to the Publication and Telecommunications Committees
Records the minutes of each chapter Executive Committee meeting and prepares a typed copy for the Chapter Chief and the permanent records within ten days of the meeting
Is responsible for all chapter correspondence
Is responsible for getting an article to the Lodge Vice-Chief of Administration for each issue of "The Legend"
Assumes all duties assigned to him by the Chapter Chief
Have any comments? E-mail the webmaster
Copyright © 1998-2025 Catawba Lodge,
Mecklenburg County Council, BSA. All rights reserved.
Revised: January 3, 2015