Lodge Information

Welcome to the Catawba Lodge Information link of this web site. Below, we have provided some general information about the Order of the Arrow and more specifically, some useful information about Catawba Lodge. 

Purpose of the Order of the Arrow:

Vision Statement:

We, the Catawba Lodge 459 Executive Board of the 2024 - 2025 term, do hereby promise to promote a sense of Brotherhood for all current and future members of this Lodge.

As representatives of Scouting's National Honor Society, we will provide an enriching experience for each Arrowman in the Lodge by continuing to facilitate an environment of excellence, service, fellowship, growth, and devotion to the high ideals of Scouting.  The Lodge will continue to maintain the meaningful and healthy relationships that we have established with our community, Council, and Section through brotherhood and cheerful service.  From Chapters to the National level, we will represent Catawba Lodge 459 in a spirited manner as we strive to build our legacy.

Lodge Goals - 2024-25

Mission of the Lodge - 2024-2025

The mission of the Lodge is to achieve the purpose of the Order of the Arrow as an integral part of Scouting America in the Council through positive youth leadership under the guidance of selected capable adults.

Catawba Lodge:

Our Lodge has the national registration number of 459. It was established on June 18, 1951 and is named after the Catawba Indians who have inhabited this area for many centuries.  Catawba translated means, "People of the River."

The Lodge is an integral part of the Council:

Catawba Lodge, Order of the Arrow, is a part of the Mecklenburg County Council, Boy Scouts of America. Its purpose is to support the Council program, especially the camping program, in any way possible.  The Scout Executive of the Council is the Supreme Chief of the Fire for our Lodge, and as such has the final word on all matters pertaining to the Order of the Arrow Lodge.  It is important for each Arrowman to remember that the OA is a part of the Council, and not a separate entity.  Other than Lodge Officers, an Arrowman's first responsibility is to his Scouting unit.

Council Address & Information:

Mecklenburg County Council

Boy Scouts of America

1410 E. Seventh Street

Charlotte, NC 28204

Phone: 704-333-5471

Fax: 704-377-4955

website: http://www.mccscouting.org

Lodge Totem:

The Totem of Catawba Lodge is the Hornet's Nest. The Hornet's Nest came to represent Mecklenburg County during the Revolutionary War at the battle of King's Mountain when Cornwalis, a Commander of English Troops said, "Those Boys fight like a bunch of Hornets."  Thereafter the Hornet's Nest was adopted for Mecklenburg County's Crest which included a Native American spear and a musket.  In 1917 it was also adopted by Mecklenburg County Council of the Boy Scouts of America when they were chartered. In the 1960's it first appeared on the Council Shoulder Patch.  In 1987, the crest was removed from our Council Shoulder Patch and it became the design as it stands today. When our lodge was chartered we also adopted the Hornet's Nest but chose to include a tomahawk and peace pipe in 1952 when our first Lodge Ordeal flap worn on the right picket was introduced. It is the central figure on our Lodge Ordeal flap. Our first issue Lodge Ordeal flap has never changed and has remained the same basic design since 1952. The full Totem, with peace pipe and tomahawk should appear on all Lodge flaps and patches; however, if it's not possible to include the peace pipe and tomahawk, it is mandatory that the Hornet's Nest be included.

Lodge Flap:

The flap patch is to be worn only by Lodge members who are fully paid up on their annual dues or by Silver Nest Members.  There are distinctive patches for Ordeal, Brotherhood, Vigil and Silver Nest members.  The Lodge, upon his advancement in the Lodge, presents a patch to an Arrowman. Additional patches may be purchased from the Lodge Quartermaster or the Council Service Center (CSC).  Vigil and Silver Nest patches may not be purchased at the CSC.

Our Newsletter "The Legend":

The Legend is the newsletter of Catawba Lodge.  It is printed quarterly and contains valuable information of interest to all Arrowmen.  It is a good place to express your opinion about the Lodge or to find out about upcoming events.  The names and phone numbers of Lodge officers will also be listed in each issue.  You may submit articles for publication to the Lodge Vice-Chief of Administration.

Lodge Finances:

The Finance Chairman, through a special account in the Scout Service Center, handles all Lodge finances.  Each Lodge function is financially self-sustaining.

Annual Dues:

The annual dues of Catawba Lodge are $25.00.  They are payable any time from the Fall Fellowship through the end of the year and applicable for one year (January 1 - December 31).  The dues cover expenses of registrations and mailings to Lodge members and entitle members to wear the lodge flap patch and attend Lodge functions. Every Arrowman should be sure to keep his dues current.  They are payable at the Council Service Center or at any Lodge function to the Lodge Vice-Chief of Administration.  (You can also pay them online through PayPal or through the Lodge website payment portal.)

Policy On Deadlines For Events:

Once a deadline to register for an event has passed, Arrowmen may still register; however, a late fee of $5.00 will be charged and they must have Lodge Adviser approval. Example:  The deadline for the Catawba Lodge Spring Fellowship is the Wednesday one week before the event.  (Deadlines for each event will be the Wednesday evening one week before the event or as noted in the newsletter.)

Transferring Funds from One Event To Another:

Fees for an event cannot be transferred or refunded after the deadline for that event has passed.

Uniforms for Lodge Functions:

The uniform for all Lodge functions will be Class A. Normally, Arrowmen are allowed to wear Class B uniforms during athletic activities or when involved in a work party. Ordeal and Brotherhood candidates must be in full Class A uniform for their ceremony.

The Arrow Sash:

The OA Handbook describes the correct method of wearing the OA Sash.  It states that the sash is to be worn only at official OA functions and with the Official uniform, Elangomats in the Ordeal excepted, and any other occasion approved by the Scout Executive.  At all other non-official OA functions, the flap, pocket ribbon and pin are the official symbols of membership in the OA.

Driving on BSA Property:

While at either of our Council Camps, BSA safety rules will be observed.  The speed limit at Belk Scout Camp is 10 mph and 15 mph at Mecklenburg Scout Reservation (10 mph within Camp Grimes).  In accordance with BSA policy, drivers less than 18 years of age who drive to Lodge activities should park their vehicles in the designated parking areas for the duration of the activities. Those who are 18 – 21 may not convey youth passengers.

Awards of the Lodge:

Awards presented by the Lodge are as follows: Vigil Honor (presented at Fall Fellowship), Crenshaw Family Arrowman of the Year Award and the Founders Award (presented at the Annual Banquet).

The OA Summer Camp Camping Ribbon is presented to individual units for Summer Camp attendance.  To qualify for this award a Troop must have more than 60% of registered Scouts attend Summer Camp.

Lodge Camping Promotion:

Camping Promotion is a very high priority of Catawba Lodge and as such will:

Page Revised: 10/25/2024