2025 Cornerstone Conclave April 25-27, 2025

Hosted by Bob White Lodge 87 @  Robert E. Knox Scout Reservation - Lincolnton, GA

Cornerstone Conclave is a section-wide event where we invite all our members to join us in training and fellowship. During our annual Conclave, we have training opportunities available covering a wide variety of interesting topics. We also have fun activities for all our members, no matter their activity level, to participate.

We are looking forward to having you join us at Robert E. Knox Scout Reservation in the spring!

All Catawba Delegates MUST register with both the
Section and the Lodge

Conclave Leader / Participant Guide

NEW - 75th Anniversary Sash NOW AVAILABLE!!

Support your the Catawba Lodge and commemorate it's 75th anniversary by purchasing one of our new 75th anniversary sashes!!! ONLY SOLD through pre-ordering at $40.00 each.  Custom printing on back of sash also available!

To receive your sash at Winter Banquet 2024 all orders must be placed by November 22!!!

Click HERE for sash order form! 

Vigil Honor 2025

The Vigil Honor is a high mark of distinction and recognition reserved for those Arrowmen who, by reason of exceptional service, personal effort, and unselfish interest, have made distinguished contributions beyond the immediate responsibilities of their position of office to one or more of the following:  their Lodge, the Order of the Arrow, Scouting, or their Scout Camp.  Under no circumstances should tenure in Scouting or the Order of the Arrow be considered as reason enough for a Vigil Honor recommendation.

Any member of the Order of the Arrow registered in Scouting and in good standing in a regularly chartered Lodge is eligible for recommendation to the national Order of the Arrow Committee for elevation to the Vigil Honor provided that, at the time of the recommendation, the individual has been a Brotherhood member for a minimum of two years.   A Lodge may nominate a maximum of two percent of their registered Arrowmen once a year, through the Vigil Honor petition, found in the annual re-charter packet.  At least 50 percent of all nominated must be under 21 at the time of nomination.  Please submit completed forms online or give to Larry Banks at breakfast of Spring Fellowship.

Contact Mr. Banks or Mr. Nedrich for Brotherhood Eligibility list.  We can not post this information on the Lodge website based on Guide To Safe Scouting requirements.

CLICK HERE for Vigil Honor form

NEW FOR 2025... 


Your Lodge Inductions Team has made signing up for this year's Elangomat and Nimat efforts EASY!!!  The following are hyperlinks for both of those service efforts.  Additionally, the Inductions team is also providing REQUIRED training for both roles.  All information on event and training dates are available in the following sign up pages.  

Elangomat: https://forms.gle/9NkuhR8wMN2ZFRur5

Nimat: https://forms.gle/ZarpLZ4CRjMQsYrX6

Catawba Point Information

Updated: 1.12.24

Catawba Point is our new meditation garden on the property of Camp Grimes near the new Belk Dining Hall.  It consists of a Flagpole, Totem Poles from our 2015 Dixie Fellowship incorporated with local plants and flowers.  But your help is needed to make PHASE 2 of this dream come true.  Through the purchase of commemorative bricks and commermorative jacket patches, you can help see this plan to fruition.  Help honor a loved one such as an Eagle Scout, Silver Beaver Recipient, Woodbadge Participant/Staff Member, or someone special who has passed. 

Thank you for your support in this endeavor, it is greatly appreciated!

Please click on the following links for Commemorative BRICKS and JACKET PATCH orders:


Other Lodge News

Chapter Election Results

Congratulations to the following Arrowmen and their officer elections within the Apache, Etowah and Sehwatu Chapters for 2024-2025:

Apache Chapter:

Chapter Chief - Hayden Hockersmith

Vice Chapter Chief - Colin Turner

Chapter Secretary - Nash Pelak

Chapter Quartermaster - Raven Horneman

Chapter Spirit Chair - Keegan Keane

Etowah Chapter:

Chapter Chief - Taylor Vernon

Vice Chapter Chief - Julia Pearce

Chapter Secretary - Avery Lind

Chapter Quartermaster - Evan Lind

Chapter Spirit Chair - Quinn Hillsheim

Sehwatu Chapter:

Chapter Chief - Liam Walsh

Vice Chapter Chief - Hunter Welch

Secretary - Ray Whitson

Chapter Spirit Chair (appointed) - Jack Mullis

Thank you for your continued service to the Lodge!

Lodge Election Results

Congratulations to the following Arrowman and their election to the Lodge Executive Board for 2024-2025!

Lodge Chief - Nick Daniels

Vice Chief of Program - Reed Coleman

Vice Chief of Inductions - James Keane

Vice Chief of Indian Affairs - Ben Bruh

Vice Chief of Administration - Rachel Kauffman

Lodge Quartermaster - Andrew Maillet

Thank you for your continued service to the Lodge!

Lodge Calendar and Events Update

Good Day Catawba Lodge 459!

Updates to the calendar will be posted here as they arise,

Yours In Brotherhood,

Nick Daniels

Catawba Lodge Chief


What's New!

Catawba Lodge has launched a revamped web site that is geared toward supporting desktops, tablets and phones.

The banner at the top of the site will show breaking items of interest.

Reminders of events and activities will be posted in the slideshow and some slides will have links to the details.

A handy agenda style calendar is posted below that quickly shows upcoming events and it is scrollable to look further out.

Additional work will continue toward cleanup of old data and some new features so you will see more changes.

If additional information is needed please contact us @ webmaster@catawba459.org.

Email Key Three:

Chief: Nick Daniels

Adviser: Chris Easley

Staff Adviser: Brian Sweeney

Flash cards

Page Revised: 1/3/2025